June 18, 2024

We are heart broken and devastated by the fire in the Delta Middle School gymnasium the early morning of Friday, June 14, 2024.  It appears the fire was caused by the spontaneous combustion of materials that had been removed from the gymnasium floor as the custodial staff carried out their annual refinishing of the floor.  Through the night, the materials, which had been removed to a large trash can in the gymnasium heated and began to emit smoke.  Smoke detectors in the gym are part of the ventilation system, which had been turned off as the dust and smell from the refinishing was carried out in order to confine the effects of the process to the gymnasium.  This meant that smoke detectors were not triggered, though the gymnasium began to fill with smoke just after 1 AM, until approximately 4:30 AM when the materials combusted from their heat and sent much more smoke into other areas of the building. 

The fire was contained to the large gymnasium of the school, but this facility sustained significant damage in the fire.  A large hole burned in the roof of the gym, and supporting beams will need to be inspected for damage with the possibility of needing to replace the entire roof.  Fire damage and water damage to the entire gymnasium floor will likely necessitate total replacement.  Bleachers also sustained major damage and will require total replacement.  Many of the curtains on the stage burned, while others also will likely need to be replaced due to blackening and smoke damage.  Also, stage lights, gymnasium lights and speakers will all need attention.  Though the rest of the school sustained smoke damage and will need thorough cleaning, no fire damage was sustained outside the large gymnasium.

Millard School District is insured through Utah State Risk Management.  We are optimistic that all losses, minus our deductible, will be covered fully and we will be able to replace the gymnasium.  The Delta Middle School is our oldest building and is very sound structurally.  Approaching 50 years old, we expect the building will be viable for many years to come.  The rebuild of the gymnasium will undoubtedly include fire suppression systems that were not required originally and will help mitigate such tragedies in the future. 

We have every expectation that school will be able to resume at the middle school when students and staff return in August.  We will be without the gymnasium facility for an extended period of time which we recognize will not only affect our school programs, but many community programs over the course of the year.  We are hopeful that churches and other facilities will assist us in housing these programs through the rebuild. 

Finally, a word of appreciation to the many volunteers that came to assist in the containment and extinguishment of the fire.  It was a truly inspiring thing to see our neighbors putting their safety at risk as they entered a smoke-filled facility or worked on a flaming roof.  The Delta Fire Department was joined by those from Lynndyl, Leamington, Oak City, and Hinckley, while the volunteers from Fillmore came with their very helpful ladder truck to assist in fighting the fire.  The dedication and skill of each of these individuals, as well as their teamwork and bravery has never been more apparent and we express our sincere gratitude to each of them on behalf of the Millard School District and all of our grateful patrons. 

We will be reviewing the damage with adjustors in coming days, after which we will begin to put a time line together for the repairs.  We appreciate the concern of so many and will let you know regarding the process to rebuild as it becomes more apparent.

Superintendent Styler 

Summer Food Program in Delta 2024

Summer Food Program in Fillmore 2024


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of the Local Building Authority Act, Title 17D, Chapter 2, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended (“Utah Code”), the Local Government Bonding Act, Title 11, Chapter 14, Utah Code (collectively, the “Act”), that the Governing Board (the “Governing Board”) of the Local Building Authority of Millard School District, Utah (the “Authority”) adopted a resolution on December 14, 2023 (the “Resolution”), declaring its intention to issue its Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2024 (the “Bonds”), and held a public hearing to receive input from the public with respect to the issuance of the Bonds for a project that was rejected by the voters of the Millard School District (the “District”) in a general obligation bond ballot question on November 21, 2023. 


The Authority intends to issue the Bonds to provide funds to (i) finance the costs of constructing, furnishing and equipping new school facilities and improving existing facilities; (ii) provide for capitalized interest with respect to the Bonds, as needed; (iii) fund any required deposits to a debt service reserve fund, as needed; and (iv) pay costs associated with the issuance of the Bonds.


The Authority intends to issue the Bonds in a principal amount of not to exceed Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000), to bear interest at rates not to exceed six percent (6%) per annum, to mature in not more than thirty-six (36) years from their date or dates, and to be sold at a price not less than ninety-eight percent (98%) of the total principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest, if any, to the date of delivery of the Bonds.

The Bonds are to be issued and sold by the Authority pursuant to the Resolution, including as attachments to said Resolution forms of an Indenture of Trust and Supplemental Indenture (collectively, the “Indenture”), by and between the Authority and a trustee, and the form of a Master Lease Agreement (the “Lease”), between the Authority and the Board of Education of the District (the “Board”), which were before the Governing Board at the time of the adoption of the Resolution.  The Indenture and the Lease are to be executed by the Authority and/or the Board with such terms and provisions and any changes thereto as authorized by the Resolution. 


The Bonds will be special limited obligations, payable solely from rents received by the Authority from the Board from legally available moneys of the District that are annually appropriated by the Board to the payment of rentals for projects leased by the Board for use by the District (the “Lease Revenues”).


The Authority currently has $4,018,000 of bonds outstanding secured by Lease Revenues.


Information regarding all of the Authority’s outstanding bonds may be found in the Board’s audited financial report (the “Financial Report”) at https://reporting.auditor.utah.gov/searchreports/s/.  For additional information, including any more recent than as of the date of the Financial Report please contact Corey Holyoak at (435) 864-1022.


Based on an estimate of the current interest rate and financing plan, the estimated total debt service cost of the Bonds, if held until maturity, is $103,089,917.

A copy of the Resolution and the forms of Indenture and the Lease are on file in the District offices, located at 285 East 450 North, Delta, Utah, where they may be examined during regular business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (legal holidays excepted) for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the date of publication of this notice. 

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a period of thirty (30) days from and after the date of the posting of this notice is provided by law during which (i) any person in interest shall have the right to contest the legality of the Resolution, the Indenture, the Lease, or the Bonds, or any provision made for the security and payment of the Bonds, and after such time, no one shall have any cause of action to contest the regularity, formality or legality thereof for any cause whatsoever, and (ii) active voters (as defined in Section 20A-1-102 of the Utah Code) within the District may sign a written petition requesting an election to authorize the issuance of the Bonds.  If written petitions which have been signed by at least twenty percent (20%) of the active voters of the District are filed with the Authority during said 30-day period, the Authority shall be required to hold an election to obtain voter authorization prior to the issuance of the Bonds.  If fewer than twenty percent (20%) of the active voters of the District file a written petition during said 30-day period, the Authority may proceed to issue the Bonds without an election.

DATED December 14, 2023.

                       /s/ Corey Holyoak                   


Posted: December 15, 2023




PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of the Local Building Authority Act, Title 17D, Chapter 2, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended (“Utah Code”), the Local Government Bonding Act, Title 11, Chapter 14, Utah Code, and Title 11, Chapter 14a, Utah Code collectively, the “Act”), that the Governing Board (the “Governing Board”) of the Local Building Authority of Millard School District, Utah (the “Authority”) plans to adopt a resolution on December 14, 2023 (the “Resolution”), declaring its intention to issue its Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2024 (the “Bonds”), and calling a public hearing to receive input from the public with respect to the issuance of the Bonds for a project that was rejected by the voters of the Millard School District (the “District”) in a general obligation bond ballot question on November 21, 2023.


The Authority shall hold a public hearing on Thursday, December 14, 2023, at the hour of 2:30 p.m.  The location of the public hearing is at the offices of the District located at 285 East 450 North, Delta, Utah.  The purpose of the hearing is to receive input from the public with respect to: (a) the proposed Bonds and (b) any potential economic impact that the improvements, facility or property financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of the Bonds may have on the private sector.  All members of the public are invited to attend and participate.


The Authority intends to issue the Bonds to provide funds to (i) finance the costs of constructing, furnishing and equipping new school facilities and improving existing facilities; (ii) fund any required deposits to a debt service reserve fund as needed; and (iii) pay costs associated with the issuance of the Bonds.


The Authority intends to issue the Bonds in a principal amount of not to exceed Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000), to bear interest at rates not to exceed six percent (6%) per annum, to mature in not more than thirty-six (36) years from their date or dates, and to be sold at a price not less than ninety-eight percent (98%) of the total principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest, if any, to the date of delivery of the Bonds.

The Bonds are to be issued and sold by the Authority pursuant to the Resolution, including as attachments to said Resolution forms of an Indenture of Trust and Supplemental Indenture (collectively, the “Indenture”), between the Authority and a trustee and the form of a Master Lease Agreement (the “Lease”), between the Authority and the Board of Education of the District (the “Board”), which are to be before the Governing Board at the time of the adoption of the Resolution.  The Indenture and the Lease are to be executed by the Authority and/or the Board with such terms and provisions and any changes thereto as authorized by the Resolution.


The Bonds will be special limited obligations, payable solely from rents received by the Authority from the Board from legally available moneys of the District that are annually appropriated by the Board to the payment of rentals for projects leased by the Board for use by the District (the “Lease Revenues”).


The Authority currently has $4,018,000 of bonds outstanding secured by Lease Revenues.


Information regarding all of the Authority’s outstanding bonds may be found in the Board’s audited financial report (the “Financial Report”) at https://reporting.auditor.utah.gov/searchreports/s/.  For additional information, including any more recent than as of the date of the Financial Report please contact Corey Holyoak at (435) 864-1022.


Based on an estimate of the current interest rate and financing plan, the estimated total debt service cost of the Bonds, if held until maturity, is $103,089,917.

A copy of the Resolution and the forms of Indenture and the Lease will be placed on file in the District offices, located at 285 East 450 North, Delta, Utah, where they may be examined during regular business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (legal holidays excepted) for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the date the Resolution is expected to be adopted. 

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a period of thirty (30) days from and after the date of the posting of this notice is provided by law during which active voters (as defined in Section 20A-1-102 of the Utah Code) within the District may sign a written petition requesting an election to authorize the issuance of the Bonds.  If written petitions which have been signed by at least twenty percent (20%) of the active voters of the District are filed with the Authority during said 30-day period, the Authority shall be required to hold an election to obtain voter authorization prior to the issuance of the Bonds.  If fewer than twenty percent (20%) of the active voters of the District file a written petition during said 30-day period, the Authority may proceed to issue the Bonds without an election.

DATED this November 29, 2023.

                       /s/ Corey Holyoak                   


Posted: November 29, 2023